CAV Angels partners with multiple student groups at the University of Virginia on company screening and due diligence. The student groups CAV Angels works with includes the Virginia Venture Fund, the Darden Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital club, and the Law School’s Entrepreneurial Law Society. CAV Angels is grateful for these partnerships and the hard work each member of the aforementioned groups put into furthering CAV Angels’ mission. Read below for more information about CAV Angels’ student group affiliates.
Per VVF’s website:
“The Virginia Venture Fund is one of the first student-run venture capital groups in the country. Comprised of two divisions, one division aims to educate and provide relevant experience to students interested in VC, growth equity, and private equity; and the newest division, V Accelerate, aims to help accelerate student projects in the entrepreneurial community at the University of Virginia.
Our mission is to educate students about early stage investing by conducting hands-on projects with funds, completing due diligence for partner VC firms, deal sourcing for our network of investors around the nation, and hosting national venture capital due diligence competitions. We also aim to support the development of the entrepreneurship community at the University of Virginia through a variety of initiatives.”
Learn more about VVF at their website here.
Per EVC’s website:
Entrepreneurship & Venture Capital (EVC) is a community that supports, develops, and enables current and future Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists to change the world through creativity, smarts, and grit. We do this by:
Learn more about EVC on Darden’s website here.
Per Virginia E* Society’s website:
The Virginia E*Society is dedicated to supporting entrepreneurial initiatives across Grounds, connecting law students with students from other schools and serving as a hub for those interested in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial law.
Learn more about the Virginia E* Society on the Law School’s website here.