
Letter from the President   Fellow CAV Angels - As we head into the Summer and look ahead to the Fall, I couldn't be more pleased (and cautiously optimistic) with where things are trending, both at the organizational level and the macro-environment. Many of us are readjusting to...

Part of our mission at CAV Angels is to provide educational on early stage funding to both investors and entrepreneurs alike.  As such, we are thrilled to bring you a blog post from entrepreneur-turned-VC: Brett Brohl. Brett started his early stage career in entrepreneurship as a multi-time...

Pitching is more art than science in my opinion. I do not think there is a single set of rules for building the perfect deck, for example, and for good reason- each early stage company is unique and should be communicated as such. Depending on...

Education for both entrepreneurs and investors is one of our many activities at CAV Angels, and as such, multiple first-time and potential entrepreneurs from UVA have asked me “do entrepreneurs and investors really use all of this crazy jargon or is someone just playing a joke...

 Questions and Answers with Relish Inc. Join us via Webinar to talk to Relish executives Wednesday, September 7th at 1PM or 5PM ET Sign up HERE Founded by recent Darden graduates, Relish is a hiring CRM platform for higher education recruiting currently serving the MBA hiring market ( The Relish...

We believe that CAV Angels is a great opportunity to benefit the UVA entrepreneurial ecosystem while also making a financial return.  Although we are not affiliated with or endorsed by UVA, we actively seek to benefit the University and its students in our efforts. Our investors...

We are very excited to inform you that CAV Angels has executed a bridge round investment in Relish Inc! Founded by Darden '15 grads, Relish is a hiring CRM platform for higher education recruiting currently focusing on the MBA market ( and is expanding into other...

"While the national media has obsessed over unicorns and billion-dollar valuations such as Uber and Airbnb, Virginia’s venture capital landscape has been quietly evolving in significant ways with the rise of regionally focused and civic-minded angel investor groups such as NRV, 757 Angels in Hampton...